How zesty is too zesty? Well, that is the question today regarding
Kraft’s new ad for its zesty Italian dressing.
Personally, I love the commercials.
The guy in them has an awesomely catchy smile. If you don’t know what I mean, it’s this –
when he smiles or even when you think of him smiling, you smile. There’s another TV personality that has the
same characteristic – Simon Baker. Check
him out if you don’t know who I’m talking about, see if you don’t smile at him.
Back to the zesty ad though… You can see it here:
Personally, I think it is too racy. I love the commercials and I have to admit I
did go out and buy Kraft dressing after I watched it and when I use my dressing
on my salad or as a marinade, his commercials run through my mind. Several times. My favorite is the one where he throws the
pepper up in the air and holds the knife and it lands on the plate perfectly
sliced. Mmmm hmmm, yeah baby, I would
love to cook with him!
The television ads are a little risqué,
but fun. They leave a lot to the
imagination, which is what women want.
We don’t want a naked man selling us anything. It’s the idea of the man being naked by
showing us a glimpse here and there that keeps us watching and looking it up on
YouTube when we want a smile. Clean,
good fun.
I’m guessing a man came up with the
print ad idea. They could’ve had him sitting
up wearing cotton trousers, made from the picnic cloth material, no shirt and
holding a loaf of bread and a bowl of salad.
What’s more inviting than a guy who just made you something to eat? You didn’t have to do a thing!
Yeah, I’m thinking Kraft missed the mark
on this one. I only hope the uproar doesn’t stop the commercials from coming,
because I do look forward to those.
Especially when he says “oops!”.
Keep it zesty Kraft, just don’t make it too spicy.
That guy is totally hot! Love these commercials!